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Egnito Industries (Pvt.) Ltd.

Project description

The lighters that we see today have been around for over 100 years and have gone through many changes. Egnito Industries Private Limited is a manufacturer founded in 2022 by Mr. Ayub Khan Zakori, CEO of Zakori Group who initiated the notion for this firm. Raising the bar in the commercial enterprise, the company began as a result of research conducted by the group of companies that devised the aftermath of the region's huge consumer market.
Website: Egnito Industries – A Zakori Group Project


Egnito aims to get the peak tier, state-of-the-art machinery and achieve hands-on experience from Chinese Experts to pioneer the techniques optimally. A concoction of the Zakori group, spear headed by Mr. Ayub Khan Zakori. Egnito is the innovative disruptive industry of the new business terrain.
An unprecedented potential trend in different kinds of lighter demand and supply has been discovered, which led the Group of Companies to lay the foundation of Egnito Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. The lack of local competition in this domain has led Egnito an upper hand in providing the utmost quality of the lighters, unmatchable to that of suppliers and local importers while creating a name for itself altogether.

Despite the gradually gushing era, the engine of innovation streams; as the progressive growth of Zakori Group divulge to grasp the strings of an exclusive monopolistic market. While contributing a major role to the accreditation of Egnito as the pioneers in manufacturing our topnotch and diverse range of flagship lighters, the company pivots around primarily aiming to make the country’s production independent and self-sufficient.
Egnito aims to get the peak tier, state-of-the-art machinery and achieve hands-on experience from Chinese Experts to pioneer the techniques optimally. A concoction of the Zakori group, spear headed by Mr. Ayub Khan Zakori.